peter pan just met tinker :) and then ... their shadows danced :)

well...when i was just hanging around...i saw tinker...or more like my shadow spotted her. it was a the picture tells[ taken by a Pixie] 

it was love at first sight. but of course it was :)

we had to cover much distance[ on the wall] to make it :)

but like the famous Michaelangelo painting. we did touch base :)

oh...the touch was electric.  electric~~~

you cant see it [ yet ] but it created many sparks 

we danced in the dark to a music that the sky played. we even had the banjo play for us :)

it was an exciting dance and we thought why just dance as shadows , why not a plane? a bird ? hippopotamus ?

oh!!! and we kissed. without a 'SHADOW' of a doubt. it was blissful :)

tra laa laa laa laa laa

the burst of flutterby and hearts!!!

i was walking aimlessly at night.just smiling to myself and singing softly.when!!! i saw many hearts open. it was a beautiful thing :) and with that i too opened my heart!!! have you done that recently? hope so. plenty hugs :)

flutterby's are just so delicate, and yet, they fly so strongly.
i know you are similar. sometimes we feel not so strong. but ... grasp the inner flutterby. and fly away, strongly!

the heart comes in all shapes and sizes. who are we to judge what is the right? but open ones heart. and then its just sharing and love :) [ true story ]

why so serious...err... who... me?

 just bliss!
click click

 ok peter pan the super tramp nearly didnt see it...

dont mind me. i was just the alternative to the above